God Speaks Through Our Conscience
There are four main voices that affect us:
1. God's voice
2. Satan's voice
3. Man’s voice
4. The voice of the self
Behind every voice there is a person. It could be a spirit or a human being. We saw this with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eve where all the four voices were evidently present and affected the course of history.
Self voice is key, where sometimes through the voice of the self, God can speak to us. Discerning and understanding God's voice is something we must sharpen as children of God. We should be able to understand and absorb God's voice.
We all have five senses and each of these senses get better and sharpened over the years. In time, the child learns to use each of the senses and gets better at using and evolving with it. Some people believe that recognising and understanding God's voice is a special gift. But in truth it is not, it is in fact a sense that God has given us.
Communication is always two ways. In prayer, we talk to God in faith. However, if you want to hear and understand what God wants to tell you, then you must sharpen your senses. It is important for us to know the ways in which God talks to us. God says let those who have ears listen.
God is speaking continually in his ways.
1. God speaks through our own conscience.
Every person born in this world is born with a conscience. That baby is born with a conscience. Going back in the scriptures, a question may arise, if Adam and Eve had a conscience. We can assume that they may have had a conscience but it was never activated as it was not required in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve only saw the goodness of the Lord around them in Eden, for which they did not require a conscience to appreciate it. Everything was good for them until they listened to Satan's voice which marked the beginning of humanity’s downfall. The idea of right and wrong came into existence after they ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. From then on, their conscience had to be activated. Until the day Moses gave the Ten Commandments to the Israelites it was their conscience that kept them in check. While our conscience is our self voice, God can speak to us through it.
There are different types of consciences, which includes a callous conscience, an innocent conscience and such. Relying solely on your conscience to make decisions is not the perfect way to make them as not everyone’s conscience is aligned with God. Every man from every caste, creed and race will have a conscience but each of their conscience will vary and depend upon their upbringing, culture, education etc. Even atheists have a conscience, but the question is if your conscience is aligned with God.
Romans 2: 11-15 says, ‘_11 For God does not show favoritism. 12 All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. 13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. 14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.)_
We often come across people who lead a good life, who are considered good people, even though they have never read the Bible or practise the Christian faith. How have they evolved into becoming good people? This is because their conscience keeps them in check. Morality is a built in mechanism in every human being. Even though they do not read or know about the Christian law, they follow the laws of morality laid out by their conscious mind. Their conscience becomes a witness to their life and their actions. Their conscience either accuses them of their actions or defends them of their actions. There are communities where a person is allowed to be sexually intimate with another person outside of their marriage. However, this is frowned upon in other evolved and developed communities. The former community will not frown upon extramarital affairs as they are permitted within their groups, hence by extension their conscience does not restrict them from doing so. However, the same will not be the case in a community that is more developed, where if a person engages in immoral conduct their conscience mind will bring a sense of guilt in their hearts. Hence the standards of conscience may differ.
This is where God's law becomes relevant. Through God's law we are able to standardise our conscious mind and create rules and regulations to discern right from wrong. Our conscious mind gives us a blaring signal when we stray away from the right path. However if we keep overlooking our conscious mind, the blaring sound it creates starts to fade which results in people living a life of sin and committing horrendous acts. Living in such sin takes us away from God, leading us to live a life with zero conviction. Beware of your heart and your mind. Guard them in the law of the Lord and do not be led astray.
1. God's voice
2. Satan's voice
3. Man’s voice
4. The voice of the self
Behind every voice there is a person. It could be a spirit or a human being. We saw this with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eve where all the four voices were evidently present and affected the course of history.
Self voice is key, where sometimes through the voice of the self, God can speak to us. Discerning and understanding God's voice is something we must sharpen as children of God. We should be able to understand and absorb God's voice.
We all have five senses and each of these senses get better and sharpened over the years. In time, the child learns to use each of the senses and gets better at using and evolving with it. Some people believe that recognising and understanding God's voice is a special gift. But in truth it is not, it is in fact a sense that God has given us.
Communication is always two ways. In prayer, we talk to God in faith. However, if you want to hear and understand what God wants to tell you, then you must sharpen your senses. It is important for us to know the ways in which God talks to us. God says let those who have ears listen.
God is speaking continually in his ways.
1. God speaks through our own conscience.
Every person born in this world is born with a conscience. That baby is born with a conscience. Going back in the scriptures, a question may arise, if Adam and Eve had a conscience. We can assume that they may have had a conscience but it was never activated as it was not required in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve only saw the goodness of the Lord around them in Eden, for which they did not require a conscience to appreciate it. Everything was good for them until they listened to Satan's voice which marked the beginning of humanity’s downfall. The idea of right and wrong came into existence after they ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. From then on, their conscience had to be activated. Until the day Moses gave the Ten Commandments to the Israelites it was their conscience that kept them in check. While our conscience is our self voice, God can speak to us through it.
There are different types of consciences, which includes a callous conscience, an innocent conscience and such. Relying solely on your conscience to make decisions is not the perfect way to make them as not everyone’s conscience is aligned with God. Every man from every caste, creed and race will have a conscience but each of their conscience will vary and depend upon their upbringing, culture, education etc. Even atheists have a conscience, but the question is if your conscience is aligned with God.
Romans 2: 11-15 says, ‘_11 For God does not show favoritism. 12 All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. 13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. 14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.)_
We often come across people who lead a good life, who are considered good people, even though they have never read the Bible or practise the Christian faith. How have they evolved into becoming good people? This is because their conscience keeps them in check. Morality is a built in mechanism in every human being. Even though they do not read or know about the Christian law, they follow the laws of morality laid out by their conscious mind. Their conscience becomes a witness to their life and their actions. Their conscience either accuses them of their actions or defends them of their actions. There are communities where a person is allowed to be sexually intimate with another person outside of their marriage. However, this is frowned upon in other evolved and developed communities. The former community will not frown upon extramarital affairs as they are permitted within their groups, hence by extension their conscience does not restrict them from doing so. However, the same will not be the case in a community that is more developed, where if a person engages in immoral conduct their conscience mind will bring a sense of guilt in their hearts. Hence the standards of conscience may differ.
This is where God's law becomes relevant. Through God's law we are able to standardise our conscious mind and create rules and regulations to discern right from wrong. Our conscious mind gives us a blaring signal when we stray away from the right path. However if we keep overlooking our conscious mind, the blaring sound it creates starts to fade which results in people living a life of sin and committing horrendous acts. Living in such sin takes us away from God, leading us to live a life with zero conviction. Beware of your heart and your mind. Guard them in the law of the Lord and do not be led astray.
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