Do Not Limit God By Your Unbelief
The whole world is under the control of the evil one; and sometimes we wonder why we are in a messed up state in our lives. But when we believe and love Jesus for His ultimate sacrifice and accept Him as our own Lord and Savior, there's a great shift that happens and God begins to reign in every aspect of our lives.
Colossians 1:13
He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son
God’s children have divine protection.
John 10:28
I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.
John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
Job 3:25
What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me.
Job’s fear became an open door for Satan, though he was blameless and upright. Similarly, though we are children of God Most High, we may be exposed to Satan’s attack/schemes through some open door that we’ve knowingly/unknowingly left open for him. That’s why the Bible says, ‘Do not give the devil a foothold’.
2 Corinthians 4:4
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
Neither live under the devil’s rule or human’s rule as they in turn may be under the control of the devil, instead build your life on the Lord Jesus Christ. It is unbelief that allows Satan to blind us. So we must come out of unbelief.
Psalm 78:41
Yes, again and again they tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.
We can limit God’s work in our lives through our limited thinking. They saw the great God as a small God. God can do wonders and miracles, He is an Omnipotent God; but the same may not be visible in our own personal lives, if we fail to put our trust in Him and believe that this same God can change our life-story as well.
Mark 6:1-7
Jesus left there and went to his hometown, accompanied by his disciples. When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed. “Where did this man get these things?” they asked. “What’s this wisdom that has been given him? What are these remarkable miracles he is performing? Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?” And they took offence at him. Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honour except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.” He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. He was amazed at their lack of faith. Then Jesus went around teaching from village to village. Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over impure spirits.
Jesus was able to do miracles, but He could not do any miracles there, in His hometown, due to their lack of faith and negative talks. Faith is the key to unlock the doors of heaven. The people of Nazareth considered Jesus to be an ordinary person, a carpenter’s son. Over the years, I’ve witnessed people of little and innocent faith receive great miracles and wonders in their lives when many who’ve been born into a Christian faith return to their homes just as they came to church. Do not limit/reject the power of God Almighty through your small prayers, doubts, unbelief and limited thoughts. Extraordinary prayers yield extraordinary results.
Remember this formula: Prayer + Faith = MIRACLE!! This can happen in your life as well.
Colossians 1:13
He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son
God’s children have divine protection.
John 10:28
I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.
John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
Job 3:25
What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me.
Job’s fear became an open door for Satan, though he was blameless and upright. Similarly, though we are children of God Most High, we may be exposed to Satan’s attack/schemes through some open door that we’ve knowingly/unknowingly left open for him. That’s why the Bible says, ‘Do not give the devil a foothold’.
2 Corinthians 4:4
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
Neither live under the devil’s rule or human’s rule as they in turn may be under the control of the devil, instead build your life on the Lord Jesus Christ. It is unbelief that allows Satan to blind us. So we must come out of unbelief.
Psalm 78:41
Yes, again and again they tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.
We can limit God’s work in our lives through our limited thinking. They saw the great God as a small God. God can do wonders and miracles, He is an Omnipotent God; but the same may not be visible in our own personal lives, if we fail to put our trust in Him and believe that this same God can change our life-story as well.
Mark 6:1-7
Jesus left there and went to his hometown, accompanied by his disciples. When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed. “Where did this man get these things?” they asked. “What’s this wisdom that has been given him? What are these remarkable miracles he is performing? Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?” And they took offence at him. Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honour except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.” He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. He was amazed at their lack of faith. Then Jesus went around teaching from village to village. Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over impure spirits.
Jesus was able to do miracles, but He could not do any miracles there, in His hometown, due to their lack of faith and negative talks. Faith is the key to unlock the doors of heaven. The people of Nazareth considered Jesus to be an ordinary person, a carpenter’s son. Over the years, I’ve witnessed people of little and innocent faith receive great miracles and wonders in their lives when many who’ve been born into a Christian faith return to their homes just as they came to church. Do not limit/reject the power of God Almighty through your small prayers, doubts, unbelief and limited thoughts. Extraordinary prayers yield extraordinary results.
Remember this formula: Prayer + Faith = MIRACLE!! This can happen in your life as well.
Watch the full video here:
About The Author:

Dr. Damien Antony
Born and brought up in a Christian family, Dr. Damien Antony possessed an unquenching quest for truth right from his boyhood days and eventually his relentless search led him to the Bible. He is a Revival Preacher, Bible Teacher, Leadership Trainer, Author and a Life Coach. He moves under the anointing for Prophetic, Healing, Deliverance, Inner Healing and Financial Breakthrough. God has also blessed him with an Apostolic Mandate to take the Universal Body of Christ to the next level of revelation and anointing.
Born and brought up in a Christian family, Dr. Damien Antony possessed an unquenching quest for truth right from his boyhood days and eventually his relentless search led him to the Bible. He is a Revival Preacher, Bible Teacher, Leadership Trainer, Author and a Life Coach. He moves under the anointing for Prophetic, Healing, Deliverance, Inner Healing and Financial Breakthrough. God has also blessed him with an Apostolic Mandate to take the Universal Body of Christ to the next level of revelation and anointing.
Posted in Devotional Message, Morning Glory
Posted in Do Not Limit God By Your Unbelief, Dr. Damien Antony
Posted in Do Not Limit God By Your Unbelief, Dr. Damien Antony
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