Where Is Your Money Going?

Money is just a means. In itself it's not bad but depends upon how it is being used.
If an alcoholic gets money, he will spend more money on drinking, if a businessman gets money, he will invest it in business, if someone who is interested in gadgets gets money, they will spend it in buying more of them, if a missionary gets money, he will invest it in spreading the Gospel more. So it depends on who gets money.
We must be careful about where we spend and how much we spend. Many people cannot come out of poverty because they cannot wisely spend the money that comes into their hands. A person’s life depends on how he handles the money that comes into his hands. His life, peace, ministry, everything depends on the way he handles the money that comes to him. Whether a person gets Rs one hundred or one lakh or one crore, the way he spends money will be more or less the same. It is a lifestyle.
If we don't observe the flow of money that comes into our hands, it is a dangerous situation. Some people live off credit cards, take loans from people to live a posh life or maintain a certain standard without having that money, which in turn leads to greater problems. We must be observant as to where our money is going. Identify unnecessary leakages and block the flow of money through those channels. This will help you become rich tomorrow. Several people who are rich today struggled yesterday with a spare dress or a meal. We need to calculate.
There are different sides to this. We become rich when God blesses us but even if God blesses us, for the wealth to remain, we must understand how and where it flows from our hands. Is there money for the future, are you giving what needs to be given to God, are you giving what needs to be given to Caesar, do the children and wife have enough for the expenses of the house, can you help others? If not, you either need to increase your income or reduce your expenses. Pray about that. When you pray, God will show you certain things, He will open ways for you, He will give you ideas or miraculously give you a job, business or new ways.
Hagar was sent away from Abraham’s house with a little water and bread. She was in the desert and ran out of water and had no water to give her son Ishmael. When she cried out, God opened a spring in front of her. Similarly, God will open springs for us. When does He do that? When we enter the realm of fervent prayer. Salvation is an all inclusive package.
Psalm 18:19
He also brought me out into a broad place; He delivered me because He delighted in me.
There is a God who takes us from poverty into great gain. God can take you from scarcity to abundance.
There are fast miracles and slow miracles.
Some are instant, in the blink of an eye. Some are slow. God takes some people slowly, and miraculously into a great difference in their lives. God usually takes us slowly. We need a mind to walk with the Lord. We should adjust to the pace of the Lord. If we try to overtake the Lord and go ahead, it's problematic, and also if we get left behind, it's problematic. We must walk with the Lord, by sticking close to Him.
Several peoples’ issues in life are because they are unwilling to move at God’s pace. They get impatient, stop praying and try to do things themselves. Be patient. Wait for the Lord. Saul didn't wait for Samuel to come. He did what the priests were supposed to do. We shouldn't do that. God has His speed. God is never in a hurry, He is eternal.
Living in poverty is not a sin. Being rich is not a sin either. But loving riches more than God and living a materialistic life is a sin. Money is supposed to serve us, not the other way round. Money is neutral. It is neither good nor bad. Who carries this money, for what purpose, and where, is what matters. The money that comes into your hands, where is it going? Do you monitor it, do you have control over it?
Those in poverty can come out of it because we have a rich Father. He blesses us and has a heart to bless us. But the problem lies in our wrong mindset and the way we handle money and our incapability to do so. If we correct that, God will take us from poverty to abundance. The Bible has many such examples. In the Old Testament, we see, when people disobeyed God and walked in their way, leading a sinful life they fell under curse, poverty and hunger. They reached a stage where they ate their own children. This was because they were against God. But when we obey God and walk in His ways, He blesses us. He is a God of abundance. God can bring us to a place of overflowing blessings.
If an alcoholic gets money, he will spend more money on drinking, if a businessman gets money, he will invest it in business, if someone who is interested in gadgets gets money, they will spend it in buying more of them, if a missionary gets money, he will invest it in spreading the Gospel more. So it depends on who gets money.
We must be careful about where we spend and how much we spend. Many people cannot come out of poverty because they cannot wisely spend the money that comes into their hands. A person’s life depends on how he handles the money that comes into his hands. His life, peace, ministry, everything depends on the way he handles the money that comes to him. Whether a person gets Rs one hundred or one lakh or one crore, the way he spends money will be more or less the same. It is a lifestyle.
If we don't observe the flow of money that comes into our hands, it is a dangerous situation. Some people live off credit cards, take loans from people to live a posh life or maintain a certain standard without having that money, which in turn leads to greater problems. We must be observant as to where our money is going. Identify unnecessary leakages and block the flow of money through those channels. This will help you become rich tomorrow. Several people who are rich today struggled yesterday with a spare dress or a meal. We need to calculate.
There are different sides to this. We become rich when God blesses us but even if God blesses us, for the wealth to remain, we must understand how and where it flows from our hands. Is there money for the future, are you giving what needs to be given to God, are you giving what needs to be given to Caesar, do the children and wife have enough for the expenses of the house, can you help others? If not, you either need to increase your income or reduce your expenses. Pray about that. When you pray, God will show you certain things, He will open ways for you, He will give you ideas or miraculously give you a job, business or new ways.
Hagar was sent away from Abraham’s house with a little water and bread. She was in the desert and ran out of water and had no water to give her son Ishmael. When she cried out, God opened a spring in front of her. Similarly, God will open springs for us. When does He do that? When we enter the realm of fervent prayer. Salvation is an all inclusive package.
Psalm 18:19
He also brought me out into a broad place; He delivered me because He delighted in me.
There is a God who takes us from poverty into great gain. God can take you from scarcity to abundance.
There are fast miracles and slow miracles.
Some are instant, in the blink of an eye. Some are slow. God takes some people slowly, and miraculously into a great difference in their lives. God usually takes us slowly. We need a mind to walk with the Lord. We should adjust to the pace of the Lord. If we try to overtake the Lord and go ahead, it's problematic, and also if we get left behind, it's problematic. We must walk with the Lord, by sticking close to Him.
Several peoples’ issues in life are because they are unwilling to move at God’s pace. They get impatient, stop praying and try to do things themselves. Be patient. Wait for the Lord. Saul didn't wait for Samuel to come. He did what the priests were supposed to do. We shouldn't do that. God has His speed. God is never in a hurry, He is eternal.
Living in poverty is not a sin. Being rich is not a sin either. But loving riches more than God and living a materialistic life is a sin. Money is supposed to serve us, not the other way round. Money is neutral. It is neither good nor bad. Who carries this money, for what purpose, and where, is what matters. The money that comes into your hands, where is it going? Do you monitor it, do you have control over it?
Those in poverty can come out of it because we have a rich Father. He blesses us and has a heart to bless us. But the problem lies in our wrong mindset and the way we handle money and our incapability to do so. If we correct that, God will take us from poverty to abundance. The Bible has many such examples. In the Old Testament, we see, when people disobeyed God and walked in their way, leading a sinful life they fell under curse, poverty and hunger. They reached a stage where they ate their own children. This was because they were against God. But when we obey God and walk in His ways, He blesses us. He is a God of abundance. God can bring us to a place of overflowing blessings.
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About The Author:

Dr. Damien Antony
Born and brought up in a Christian family, Dr. Damien Antony possessed an unquenching quest for truth right from his boyhood days and eventually his relentless search led him to the Bible. He is a Revival Preacher, Bible Teacher, Leadership Trainer, Author and a Life Coach. He moves under the anointing for Prophetic, Healing, Deliverance, Inner Healing and Financial Breakthrough. God has also blessed him with an Apostolic Mandate to take the Universal Body of Christ to the next level of revelation and anointing.
Born and brought up in a Christian family, Dr. Damien Antony possessed an unquenching quest for truth right from his boyhood days and eventually his relentless search led him to the Bible. He is a Revival Preacher, Bible Teacher, Leadership Trainer, Author and a Life Coach. He moves under the anointing for Prophetic, Healing, Deliverance, Inner Healing and Financial Breakthrough. God has also blessed him with an Apostolic Mandate to take the Universal Body of Christ to the next level of revelation and anointing.
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