Recycled Orchestra

He was given the name Jesus when He was born. But the title ‘Christ’ was given to Him at the age of 30. When He was baptized by John and the Holy Spirit came on Him like a dove.
‘Jesus’ shows His human nature and Christ portrays His Godly nature. He is the rebuilder of ancient ruins.
All of us remember the Kerala Floods that occurred in 2018. Many of us thought that it would take a long time for Kerala to regain its strength. Many buildings collapsed, houses were swept away, and many people lost their families. People thought that Kerala would never be the same again.
It was during the next few days, the whole world was shocked to see the unity of the people in Kerala, people of different faith, religion and community came together to help each other.
Cateura, a slum is Paraguay South America is mainly known for its drug abuse and alcohol addiction. The area surrounding the slum is a landfill. During heavy rains there are frequent floods and the available water gets contaminated. People rarely travelled to Cateura.
Favio Chavez, an instrumentalist, was sent to Cateura as an environmental engineer. One afternoon, he noticed the children playing and he had a deep interest in teaching these children music. He immediately ordered a few instruments. The children quicky learnt how to play them and more and more added to their number. But now there was a problem. There were not enough instruments for all of them.
Favio immediately called a carpenter and asked him to make instruments out of the waste in the landfill. The carpenter was extremely talented, and he made violin, drums, saxophone out of cans, spoons, oil drums, coins, fork, etc. Since the instruments were made of recycled items, they were given the name – Recycled Orchestra.
People heard about this and came and took videos and uploaded them on the online platforms. It went viral. Soon these children were invited to different nations to perform. And each time they brought back huge amounts of money. The situation in Cateura changed. Houses were built. From out of trash came music and hope.
If Favio hadn’t stepped up to help the children, their situation wouldn’t have changed.
If man’s idea can do so much to turn a slum into a beautiful housing colony, how much more can the Holy Spirit do?
Let’s read another story - there was a woman who had a very expensive handkerchief. But it had an ink stain on it, and she was hesitant to throw it out. This came to the attention of a cloth painter, and he asked her for the handkerchief. Within the next few minutes, he drew beautiful designs on the cloth hiding the ink stain. It turned out to be extremely beautiful. The woman was shocked.
If man’s creativity can bring out something so beautiful, how much more can God do for his children?
Psalms 53:6
‘Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion! When God restores his people, let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad!’
God restores his people! When God restores, you will rejoice and be glad again.
Christ has anointed us to be rebuilders of ancient ruins. Hallelujah! Recycled Orchestra – this episode can help you understand from real life stories of how God used people to restore and build places and people.
‘Jesus’ shows His human nature and Christ portrays His Godly nature. He is the rebuilder of ancient ruins.
All of us remember the Kerala Floods that occurred in 2018. Many of us thought that it would take a long time for Kerala to regain its strength. Many buildings collapsed, houses were swept away, and many people lost their families. People thought that Kerala would never be the same again.
It was during the next few days, the whole world was shocked to see the unity of the people in Kerala, people of different faith, religion and community came together to help each other.
Cateura, a slum is Paraguay South America is mainly known for its drug abuse and alcohol addiction. The area surrounding the slum is a landfill. During heavy rains there are frequent floods and the available water gets contaminated. People rarely travelled to Cateura.
Favio Chavez, an instrumentalist, was sent to Cateura as an environmental engineer. One afternoon, he noticed the children playing and he had a deep interest in teaching these children music. He immediately ordered a few instruments. The children quicky learnt how to play them and more and more added to their number. But now there was a problem. There were not enough instruments for all of them.
Favio immediately called a carpenter and asked him to make instruments out of the waste in the landfill. The carpenter was extremely talented, and he made violin, drums, saxophone out of cans, spoons, oil drums, coins, fork, etc. Since the instruments were made of recycled items, they were given the name – Recycled Orchestra.
People heard about this and came and took videos and uploaded them on the online platforms. It went viral. Soon these children were invited to different nations to perform. And each time they brought back huge amounts of money. The situation in Cateura changed. Houses were built. From out of trash came music and hope.
If Favio hadn’t stepped up to help the children, their situation wouldn’t have changed.
If man’s idea can do so much to turn a slum into a beautiful housing colony, how much more can the Holy Spirit do?
Let’s read another story - there was a woman who had a very expensive handkerchief. But it had an ink stain on it, and she was hesitant to throw it out. This came to the attention of a cloth painter, and he asked her for the handkerchief. Within the next few minutes, he drew beautiful designs on the cloth hiding the ink stain. It turned out to be extremely beautiful. The woman was shocked.
If man’s creativity can bring out something so beautiful, how much more can God do for his children?
Psalms 53:6
‘Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion! When God restores his people, let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad!’
God restores his people! When God restores, you will rejoice and be glad again.
Christ has anointed us to be rebuilders of ancient ruins. Hallelujah! Recycled Orchestra – this episode can help you understand from real life stories of how God used people to restore and build places and people.
Watch the full video here:
About The Author:

Dr. Damien Antony
Born and brought up in a Christian family, Dr. Damien Antony possessed an unquenching quest for truth right from his boyhood days and eventually his relentless search led him to the Bible. He is a Revival Preacher, Bible Teacher, Leadership Trainer, Author and a Life Coach. He moves under the anointing for Prophetic, Healing, Deliverance, Inner Healing and Financial Breakthrough. God has also blessed him with an Apostolic Mandate to take the Universal Body of Christ to the next level of revelation and anointing.
Born and brought up in a Christian family, Dr. Damien Antony possessed an unquenching quest for truth right from his boyhood days and eventually his relentless search led him to the Bible. He is a Revival Preacher, Bible Teacher, Leadership Trainer, Author and a Life Coach. He moves under the anointing for Prophetic, Healing, Deliverance, Inner Healing and Financial Breakthrough. God has also blessed him with an Apostolic Mandate to take the Universal Body of Christ to the next level of revelation and anointing.
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