This Can Be Your Story - Part 29

Through Joseph’s life we have been seeing that no matter who abandons us or lets us down, God will never forsake you.
Psalm 27:10
“Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me.”
Hebrews 13:5
“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake.”
In the last chapter (Genesis 48), we saw that Jacob was ill and Joseph took his sons along with him to meet his father.
This meeting was the day when Ephraim and Manasseh were welcomed into the family like the other 11 brothers. Jacob told Joseph about God’s promises to him.
God is a god of generations and he passes on blessings and promises down generations. We saw how Jacob blesses Ephraim and Manasseh.
Genesis 49 is a special passage. Jacob on his deathbed, calls all his sons and blesses them and prophesies over them.
Genesis 49:1
“Then Jacob called for his sons and said: “Gather around so I can tell you what will happen to you in days to come.””
Rueben received a curse that he will no longer excel because he defiled his fathers bed by sleeping with his concubine. Simeon and Levi killed many men and oxen and for this Jacob said “Cursed be their anger, so fierce,
and their fury, so cruel!
I will scatter them in Jacob
and disperse them in Israel.”
Judah receives blessings, but Jacob also says “The scepter will not depart from Judah,
nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet,
until he to whom it belongs shall come
and the obedience of the nations shall be his.”
This is a messianic prophecy. It talks about Jesus, who is the true heir to the ruler’s staff.
He also spoke over the other brothers. Whatever he said, happened as he said it.
Genesis 49:22-26
“22 “Joseph is a fruitful vine,
a fruitful vine near a spring,
whose branches climb over a wall.
23 With bitterness archers attacked him;
they shot at him with hostility.
24 But his bow remained steady,
his strong arms stayed limber,
because of the hand of the Mighty One of Jacob,
because of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel,
25 because of your father’s God, who helps you,
because of the Almighty, who blesses you
with blessings of the skies above,
blessings of the deep springs below,
blessings of the breast and womb.
26 Your father’s blessings are greater
than the blessings of the ancient mountains,
than the bounty of the age-old hills.
Let all these rest on the head of Joseph,
on the brow of the prince among his brothers.”
God has seen us also as fruitful vines. If God has sown you, he will enable you to become fruitful!
Jacob says that no matter what came against Joseph, God’s protection was over him. He was blessed with blessing of the sky, the springs below, the breast, and the womb.
He was blessed to receive greater than the blessings of his father and of his brothers.
He only received blessings!
Jacob then asked his sons to bury him with his father in Canaan and then drew his last breath. He had a glorious end!
Psalm 27:10
“Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me.”
Hebrews 13:5
“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake.”
In the last chapter (Genesis 48), we saw that Jacob was ill and Joseph took his sons along with him to meet his father.
This meeting was the day when Ephraim and Manasseh were welcomed into the family like the other 11 brothers. Jacob told Joseph about God’s promises to him.
God is a god of generations and he passes on blessings and promises down generations. We saw how Jacob blesses Ephraim and Manasseh.
Genesis 49 is a special passage. Jacob on his deathbed, calls all his sons and blesses them and prophesies over them.
Genesis 49:1
“Then Jacob called for his sons and said: “Gather around so I can tell you what will happen to you in days to come.””
Rueben received a curse that he will no longer excel because he defiled his fathers bed by sleeping with his concubine. Simeon and Levi killed many men and oxen and for this Jacob said “Cursed be their anger, so fierce,
and their fury, so cruel!
I will scatter them in Jacob
and disperse them in Israel.”
Judah receives blessings, but Jacob also says “The scepter will not depart from Judah,
nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet,
until he to whom it belongs shall come
and the obedience of the nations shall be his.”
This is a messianic prophecy. It talks about Jesus, who is the true heir to the ruler’s staff.
He also spoke over the other brothers. Whatever he said, happened as he said it.
Genesis 49:22-26
“22 “Joseph is a fruitful vine,
a fruitful vine near a spring,
whose branches climb over a wall.
23 With bitterness archers attacked him;
they shot at him with hostility.
24 But his bow remained steady,
his strong arms stayed limber,
because of the hand of the Mighty One of Jacob,
because of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel,
25 because of your father’s God, who helps you,
because of the Almighty, who blesses you
with blessings of the skies above,
blessings of the deep springs below,
blessings of the breast and womb.
26 Your father’s blessings are greater
than the blessings of the ancient mountains,
than the bounty of the age-old hills.
Let all these rest on the head of Joseph,
on the brow of the prince among his brothers.”
God has seen us also as fruitful vines. If God has sown you, he will enable you to become fruitful!
Jacob says that no matter what came against Joseph, God’s protection was over him. He was blessed with blessing of the sky, the springs below, the breast, and the womb.
He was blessed to receive greater than the blessings of his father and of his brothers.
He only received blessings!
Jacob then asked his sons to bury him with his father in Canaan and then drew his last breath. He had a glorious end!
Watch the full video here:
About The Author:

Dr. Damien Antony
Born and brought up in a Christian family, Dr. Damien Antony possessed an unquenching quest for truth right from his boyhood days and eventually his relentless search led him to the Bible. He is a Revival Preacher, Bible Teacher, Leadership Trainer, Author and a Life Coach. He moves under the anointing for Prophetic, Healing, Deliverance, Inner Healing and Financial Breakthrough. God has also blessed him with an Apostolic Mandate to take the Universal Body of Christ to the next level of revelation and anointing.
Born and brought up in a Christian family, Dr. Damien Antony possessed an unquenching quest for truth right from his boyhood days and eventually his relentless search led him to the Bible. He is a Revival Preacher, Bible Teacher, Leadership Trainer, Author and a Life Coach. He moves under the anointing for Prophetic, Healing, Deliverance, Inner Healing and Financial Breakthrough. God has also blessed him with an Apostolic Mandate to take the Universal Body of Christ to the next level of revelation and anointing.
Posted in Devotional Message, Morning Glory, This Can Be Your Story
Posted in This can be your story, Dr. Damien Antony
Posted in This can be your story, Dr. Damien Antony
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