
We have been discussing our thoughts and what happens if we build strongholds in our mind with all the thoughts that come into our mind. We specifically looked in to the verse
2 Corinthians 10:3
For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.
Generally we assume the spiritual warfare happens in the spiritual realm which is usually assumed to be between the heavenly realm and demonic dominion. This is not always the case. The greatest warfare occurs between our two ears i.e. in our minds. This is why we should always fight the battle in our mind first because if we are victorious in our mind then we tend to be victorious anywhere else. This is a great revelation.
We are mainly focusing on three areas: mind, emotion and will. Today we will look specifically into Emotions .
In Psalm 23 David says "he restores my soul".
Whenever we feel hurt or broken we tend to lose our original mental state and that is when Jesus heals our inner self and he restores us back to our original state.
Romans 12:2
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Here he speaks of the renewal of our mind . The Zozo package has the restoration of our soul already in it. If we are mentally broken or have weak minds due to all the negative thoughts that are unhealthy and double mindedness we should know we can have complete deliverance in Jesus. Jesus Christ has all the healing in him.
Looking into the area of emotions more in depth we realize that this has two sides to it . Emotions can be further classified to positive emotions and negative emotions.
Positive emotional areas include joy ,love and other happy feelings that do not cause our mental health to be distorted.
Negative emotions can be unhealthy fear, anger and any sadness that cause our mental health to be negatively affected. Adam initially had only positive emotions and so we human beings all received this emotion from him.
Ephesians 4:30
And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 30 And do not bring sorrow to God's Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption
Here we can see the Holy Spirit can get sad and so God has the same emotions. Due to the Fall, man's emotions got influenced by the deceiver.
Genesis 3 : 10
He answered, “I heard you in the garden; but I was afraid, because I was naked, so I hid.”
Three emotions are revealed here , shame, fear and secret keeper. Beginning is fear and later on the rest of the negative thoughts develop.
View yourself as a container. We have negative emotions in it and by releasing it we should be fine but if we let it continue in the background it gets to occupy the emotional basement and if it overflows it can cause mental or emotional breakdown. God has given us abilities to combat them; one is sharing our feelings, the other is crying. We should always make use of these.
We should always know we have an intimate person, our Jesus Christ who we all can run to and open our hearts to and cry out to him. Typical example is of Hannah in the Old Testament who had much sadness which she shared with God and she was able to overcome and get answers to her prayers.
Always know healing will only happen if we have a forgiving heart. When we forgive someone who has hurt us we are opening our doors to full healing just like Jesus said on the cross of calvary "Father forgive those who are doing this for they do not know what they are doing". If we hold on to hatred we are only poisoning ourselves and inviting destruction.
Joy should always dominate our thoughts. JOY is known as the master emotion. Fear begets Negative emotions which can lead to phobias if we don't deal with it.
Every negative emotion has an unhealthy and healthy part . Healthy fear and unhealthy fear . Healthy fear should also be under the Joy. Whenever a person becomes infilled with the Holy Spirit that person is always happy. Paul asks us always to rejoice in the Lord. God has created us to rejoice always.
Let's look at the example of a Child who smiles first at his mother. This signifies a relationship and that becomes the first part. Joy becomes the beginning phase of a relationship. A child sometimes can be sad but tends to return soon to his smile or joy.
We all have this capability to bounce back, to be happy or our original state . This is called return to joy. Remember we should always ultimately aim to return to our master emotion joy, no matter what our circumstances are.
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About The Author

Dr. Damien Antony
Born and brought up in a Christian family, Dr. Damien Antony possessed an unquenching quest for truth right from his boyhood days and eventually his relentless search led him to the Bible. He is a Revival Preacher, Bible Teacher, Leadership Trainer, Author and a Life Coach. He moves under the anointing for Prophetic, Healing, Deliverance, Inner Healing and Financial Breakthrough. God has also blessed him with an Apostolic Mandate to take the Universal Body of Christ to the next level of revelation and anointing.
Born and brought up in a Christian family, Dr. Damien Antony possessed an unquenching quest for truth right from his boyhood days and eventually his relentless search led him to the Bible. He is a Revival Preacher, Bible Teacher, Leadership Trainer, Author and a Life Coach. He moves under the anointing for Prophetic, Healing, Deliverance, Inner Healing and Financial Breakthrough. God has also blessed him with an Apostolic Mandate to take the Universal Body of Christ to the next level of revelation and anointing.
Posted in Deep Healing, Devotional Message, Morning Glory
Posted in Deep Healing, Dr. Damien Antony, Dr. Finny Stephen
Posted in Deep Healing, Dr. Damien Antony, Dr. Finny Stephen
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