Handling The Fundamental Problem
December 19th, 2022
Just as alcohol addictions can be effectively eradicated only by totally stopping the production of alcohol; the production of sins can be eradicated only by crucifying the sinful nature in each one o...  Read More
Faith & Spiritual Sight
December 16th, 2022
Romans chapters 6,7,8 gives us four steps on how we can be delivered from this sinful nature and walk in the freedom of the spirit.1. Knowing2. Believing3. Consecrating4. Walking in the SpiritRomans 6...  Read More
Revelation of the finished work of Jesus
December 15th, 2022
Without revelation about the word, we remain in darkness. How many of you want revelation in your Spiritual walk? They say that angels praise God throughout the day.Have you ever wondered if they get ...  Read More
What is Revelation?
December 14th, 2022
In this world, a majority of Christians lead a shallow Christian life. How do you know the depth of your spiritual life? If you lack emotional stability and get easily upset for the silliest trials of...  Read More
Steps To Live A Life In The New Nature
December 13th, 2022
Wherever Jesus goes he teaches the people from the Word. When Jesus went to the house of Mary and Martha, Martha ran into the kitsch to prepare the best meal for Jesus and his disciples. Mary on the o...  Read More
God’s Redemption Plan For You
December 12th, 2022
In Romans chapter 1. 18 onwards speaks about God’s wrath. God is love and is merciful but because He is righteous and holy, He cannot but judge the unholy and wicked. On the other side, it is God’s de...  Read More
Resurrection Is The New Beginning
December 10th, 2022
We have been learning of the revelation of Paul on the FIRST ADAM and LAST ADAM.1 Corinthians 15:45-49So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being” the last Adam,a life-giving spirit. 4...  Read More
Why Is Jesus Called The Second Man?
December 9th, 2022
In the past few days, we’ve been comparing Adam- the first Adam or the first man or the carnal man, and Jesus- the last Adam, the second man, or the heavenly man. There are two two human races. Why is...  Read More
Who understands the cross?
December 8th, 2022
We must not just let our faith be faith but we must experience. The Bible called Adam the “First Adam” The entire human race fell into sin with Adam. To set us right, God sent Jesus! The Last Adam God...  Read More
I was Crucified with Christ
December 7th, 2022
Many consider Adam and Christ as somebody who lived in the ancient times or as   some religious belief of Christians etc. But the first man, Adam and Christ, the last Adam has great relevance with our...  Read More
The Two Human Races
December 5th, 2022
Apostle Paul writes about sin and God’s judgement and the solution in the first eight chapters of Romans. In Romans 5, we have hope and  that as sin increased, grace also increased and  there is a sim...  Read More
Christ : The Captain Of The Ship Of Faith
December 3rd, 2022
Whatever we do in this life, our choices  will affect many generations. An example of this is given in Hebrews  chapters 9 and 10.The truth will always set you free.Through Christ we got  the freedom ...  Read More